Monday, December 14, 2015

Armed Or Unarmed?

The Navy Chaplain Corps decided that chaplains will be non combatants. Basically that means that we don't have weapons. It even goes so far as to prosecute any chaplain who picks up a weapon in a war zone. Personally, I wanted to option. I don't think it was out of the question to defend myself, and I doubt that any enemy is going to take the time to look for my insignia before they started shooting.
We are in a spiritual war, whether we like it our not, everyday, and I think it makes even less sense to go out into that war unarmed. We have two weapons with which to combat the Enemy, the Word of God (Sword of the Spirit) and prayer. Too often, Christians disarm themselves out of laziness or business or pride (thinking they are alright without it). In doing this, they give Satan an in and make provision. For the flesh to take over and have its own way in them. It is subtle at first, but one day you wake up and realize that you've been broken down without even seeing it. Today, arm yourself with the Word of God like I'm about to do by getting in the Bible, and talk to God. Don't go into the war today unarmed. Think on that.

1 comment:

  1. If Chaplains are not allowed a weapon even to defend themselves, what if he needs a weapon to defend another soldier, who may have fallen down wounded?
